Imagine, you're on your way home. It's dark and you're groping around in the gloom. Where's that light switch? And now you're thinking that installing outdoor lighting with remote control wouldn't be a luxury. Yes, just like indoors, outdoors deserves good lighting, but above all practical lighting that adds comfort to your everyday life. But.., how do you install outdoor lighting with remote control ? Do you think this is only for DIY pros? Lumihome proves you wrong.
Why install outdoor lighting with remote control?
Installing outdoor lighting with remote control, or connected lighting, is a combination of comfort, safety and style.
More comfort and convenience with remote-controlled outdoor lighting
Connected lighting is first and foremost about comfort. It's true, like any remotely controllable device, it's a great convenience. And when you can simplify your life, why deprive yourself? Imagine, with a simple click, no matter where you are, you can control all your lighting intensity and colors for style, but also, and above all, when you switch it on! No more going back and forth in the garden to turn on an outdoor light, fumbling in the dark for a switch or going out in the rain with your flashlight. Thanks to the remote control, you're in control of your outdoor lighting.
More safety
Outdoor lighting with remote control is also a question of safety. As we all know, a well-lit garden naturally deters intruders. With a remote control, you can switch on your outdoor lights instantly, from the comfort of your own home. With a single click, you can illuminate pathways, stairs, strategic areas and even the darkest corners of the garden.
Outdoor lighting with remote control for an à la carte ambience
"Finally, installing outdoor lighting with remote control can also meet your needs for style and atmosphere in terms of lighting, adds Christophe Coelho, founder of Lumihome. Soft, subdued light for a romantic dinner party? Dynamic colors for an evening with friends? Targeted lighting for a clear view at night? With connected lighting, you have the power to transform your outdoor spaces at the click of a button." You no longer have to choose between practicality and style. No more compromises: you can have both.
Where to install outdoor lighting with remote control?
Well, it's easy - wherever you want. With Lumihome's range of connected luminaires, you can install remote-controlled lighting wherever you like. Here are just a few of our bright ideas.
In the garden to enhance your flowerbeds and green spaces
Do you have majestic trees? Are your flower beds your pride and joy? Do you have a fountain that deserves to be admired? "Opt for our connected spotlights and highlight all these elements for a guaranteed wow effect, says Christophe Coelho. Thanks to the remote control, you can play around with the colors or intensity of your lighting, enhancing your landscape. Our remote-controlled FUTC02 pole spotlightspiquet spotlights, for example, offer adjustable support coupled with cool white, warm white and RGB CCT lighting. Enough to highlight even the smallest details of your exterior."
The facade in the spotlight!
You can even illuminate your house or its walls with the RGB-CCT outdoor LED spotlight. You'll be able to enhance the architecture of your home, while reinforcing security, in an almost infinite palette of colors.

The pool or spa for a chic, magical effect
Looking for a festive atmosphere to celebrate the endless summer evenings? Or how about a relaxing atmosphere to enjoy the midnight baths? Thanks to PAR56 remote-controlled connected bulbs for swimming poolsremote-controlled connected bulbs for swimming pools. Easy to use, they let you change colors as you wish, thanks to their remote control, and program specific sequences for a made-to-measure atmosphere.
How to install outdoor lighting with remote control?
Installing outdoor lighting with remote control isn't very complicated, especially when it's a Lumihome product. All our lamps are designed for easy installation. All you have to do is set up your light, just as you would with a conventional product, except that you'll need to pair it with its remote'll also need to pair it with its remote control. Don't panic, though this part may seem complex, in reality it's not at all. Let's take the example of our connected spotlights, and see together, step by step, how it all works.
Install lighting in 3 steps
1 - Prepare your equipment
To make sure you have everything you need when you need it, make sure you're well prepared. This includes everything from the light to the remote control, as well as the right electrical cables and your favorite DIY tools.
2 - Choose the location
Find the perfect place for your connected spotlight to shine. In principle, you've already thought about the location before you buy your luminaire.
3 - Install your lighting
It's time to install your outdoor lighting solution. Connect it to the 230V mains supply. Check your connections carefully. They must be protected against humidity, especially on rainy evenings. Almost done: time to pair.
Pairing the Lumihome remote control like a pro
To control your spotlights remotely, a final step is necessary: pairing. First, make sure there's a battery in your remote control. Then follow these follow these three simple steps:
1 - Your lighting is off. Switch it on. Your recessed spotlights light up.
2 - On your Lumihome remote control, press three times on the desired zone.
3 - Your spotlights flash green to confirm successful pairing.
Example: we're interested in zone 2. First, we switch on our spotlights. Once they light up, we press zone 2 three times. The spots flash green. You're done! You can start controlling your spots. If you'd like to see the demonstration in pictures, here's how to install outdoor lighting.
Enjoy easy-to-use remote control
Once paired, you're in control of your lighting. You can turn the zone off/on, choose the color temperature, switch from warm to cool white, play with colors, intensity, etc.," explains Christophe Coelho, says Christophe Coelho. It's simple: the remote control is super-intuitive. It's very easy to use.
Bonus tips: What's more, the Lumihome range is 100% upgradeable. This means you can start with spotlights, and if you later add floodlights to your flowerbeds, you can pair them too with your remote control. So you can have one zone dedicated to spotlights on the terrace, another to spotlights in your favorite flower beds, and so on. The pairing process is always the same, whatever the Lumihome remote control product.
Did you know? Pairing is multiple. This means that you can also add a second remote control to the same luminaire/bulb, such as a wall remote controlfor example. Simply follow the same procedure once again to pair your devices.
You've seen it, installing outdoor lighting with remote control isn't at all complicated. So why hesitate any longer to let your outdoor space shine at its best. Festive evenings, moments of relaxation, showcasing... Control your outdoors at your fingertips with Lumihome's remote-controlled connected products.